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Clickfunnels Infusionsoft Integration
How To Integrate ClickFunnels With Infusionsoft
Infusionsoft is a powerful online marketing platform that provides automation tools to increase your leads and manage your subscribers’ base, with a primary goal of increasing sales.
Some of the services provided by Infusionsoft include email automation tasks and business automation tools. Click Funnels on the other hand is a powerful and effective front-end online program with tools that allow you to create email marketing campaigns to increase leads and conversions using inbuilt templates. Integrating Infusionsoft with Click Funnels creates a powerful combination in the world of digital marketing.
In this article, I will show you how to integrate your Infusionsoft (now known as Keap) account with your Click Funnels account.
What You Need
Infusionsoft account
ClickFunnels account
Step 1: Retrieve Your Infusionsoft API Key
Log in to your Infusionsoft account. Click on the Infusionsoft account logo in the top left corner to open the drop-down menu, and navigate to settings on the bottom right corner of the menu (Admin Column)
Navigate to Application in the application Setting menu on the left sidebar
Scroll down on the page until on the page until you find API. Select and copy the encrypted API. The API will be used by ClickFunnels to connect to your account.
Step 2: Connect Infusionsoft With ClickFunnels
1. Log in to your ClickFunnels account. Hover your pointer to your profile in the top right corner to open the drop down menu, select Account Settings
2. Click on Integrations option in the sidebar menu
3. Click on Add New Integration
4. You’ll be directed to add New Integration page. Search for Infusionsoft API in the search bar. Alternatively you can scroll down the list of APIs and select Infusionsoft by clicking on it. You will get two search results: Infusionsoft API and Infusionsoft API V2
5. To set up Infusionsoft API, key in your preferred name to the Integration Nickname field, enter your Account Name (the name that appears before the when you log in to your account. Paste your encrypted key from your Infusionsoft account. If you want to configure the second version of Infusionsoft instead, select Infusionsoft API V2
6. Click Add Integration to complete the process.
7. An Infusionsoft log in page will open, enter your log in credentials and click Log In. A page will prompt you to allow ClickFunnels to access your Infusionsoft account
8. Click Allow in your Infusionsoft account to complete the process. You have successfully configured ClickFunnels and Infusionsoft
Note: ClickFunnels recommends users to use the Infusionsoft API V2. Also, for successful integration, make sure you have have at least one webform configured and published in a campaign in Infusionsoft.