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Clickfunnels Facebook Pixel
Congratulations! You decided you want to take your online marketing to the next level by gathering more user data. That’s amazing!
The Facebook Pixel and its conversion tracking combined with your Clickfunnels sales funnel is a powerful tool. Good for you for leveraging it.
One of the most common issues we see business owners and entrepreneurs run into with Facebook Ads is proper tracking. They have a beautiful sales funnel, an irresistible offer, and yet their Facebook Ads are not converting.
And most of the time they have one common problem: their Facebook Pixel and Standard Events are not set up at all or not set up correctly.
The goal of this article is to give you a step-by-step process to install Facebook tracking inside of your funnels correctly.
If you follow this guide to a T, not only will you collect more valuable data about your users but also run more effective and efficient Facebook Ads campaigns.
Facebook Pixel Base Code
Standard & Custom Events
Custom Conversions
Some of the links in this article are affiliated. If you click on one of these links and sign up for a paid Clickfunnels account, I will earn a small commission.
How To Install The Facebook Pixel In Your Clickfunnels Funnel
Clickfunnels makes it easy for you to install the Facebook Pixel base code. Other platforms like WordPress require access to the source code of your website. With
Clickfunnels you simply paste the Pixel code in a field inside your funnel settings.
Before you get started inside of Clickfunnels, make sure you created a Facebook Pixel for your ad account.
Grab your Facebook Pixel base code inside of the Facebook Events Manager.
Log in to your Clickfunnels account. In the top menu bar, click on “Click Funnels” and “Funnels”.
Select the funnel you want to track.
In the top menu of any funnel step, click on “Settings”.
Paste the Facebook Pixel base code in the field “Head Tracking Code”.
To save the changes, click on the “Save And Update Settings” button.
If you have any other tracking pixels or tags installed inside of your funnel (like Google Analytics or Hotjar), make sure to keep them separate.
There is no set-in-stone order these different tracking tags have to be installed. We usually place the Google Analytics tag first and the Facebook Pixel code second. That way we try to ensure the quality of our Facebook Pixel data.
What do I mean by that?
Avoid “Click Jumpers” in your Clickfunnels funnels
By placing these tracking tags in a certain order, they also “fire” or track in this order. The point of placing the Facebook Pixel second is to avoid tracking what we call “click jumpers”.
A “click jumper” is a person (or sometimes bot) who clicks on your ads or links and leaves before the page is even fully loaded.
To my knowledge, you’re not able to 100% eliminate these jumpers. That’s why we accept that they mess up our Google Analytics data.
Mess with my Google data, but never with my Facebook data
What we can’t accept though is that they mess up our Facebook data. We use our Pixel data to generate Custom Audiences and eventually Lookalike Audiences. By allowing these “click jumpers” to be tracked, they automatically enter our Custom Audiences.
This will eventually decrease the quality of the Lookalike Audiences we use to run prospecting campaigns and increase our advertising costs.
Again, you probably won’t be able to eliminate these “click jumpers” completely (if there is a way, please let me know). But I’d rather have them mess with my Google Analytics data than with my Facebook audiences.
PageView Event is now tracking every step of your Clickfunnels funnel
The “Head Tracking Code” field in Clickfunnels is basically the equivalent to the Theme Header on your WordPress website.
By placing the base code in there, it will be applied to every single step of your funnel.
To make sure everything is working fine, go back to your Facebook Events Manager and check if the Pixel is collecting data.
Adding Conversion Tracking To Your Funnel Steps
With the base code installed you will already receive valuable data from your users. By adding conversion tracking to each funnel step, though, your funnel will fill your Facebook Ads with even more value.
By adding Standard and Custom Events to your funnel steps you’ll be able to create better audiences for your Facebook Ads and generate more insightful data for your conversions, like the conversion value.
Additionally, by placing a specific Standard Event code correctly inside your sales funnel, you can optimize your Facebook Ads campaigns for this particular conversion.
Facebook will select people in your audience who are most likely to take this action and, therefore, save you money.
Go to the Facebook Events Manager and click on “Set Up New Event”.
Select the Standard Event that matches the conversion type on your funnel step and copy the code to your clipboard.
In this case, we select “Purchase”. We want this event to “fire” every time someone completes a purchase inside of our funnel. So, how do we know if a user bought something?
In most funnels, a customer will land on an “Order Confirmation” page or a “Thank You” page. That’s where we want to place our “Purchase” event code.
The same goes for events like “Leads”. Find the page or funnel step a user is directed to AFTER he opted-in (for example, the “Thank You” page or a bridge page).
Log in to your Clickfunnels account. In the top menu bar, click on “Click Funnels” and “Funnels”.
Select the funnel you want to track.
Select the funnel step that should track the conversion and click on “Edit Page”.
In your Clickfunnels page editor, select “Settings” and click on “Tracking Code”.
Paste the Standard Event code in either the “Header Code” or the “Footer Code” section.
I want to mention here that we usually place our Standard Event code in the “Header Code” section.
After talking to other entrepreneurs, business owners, and agencies I heard that Clickfunnels support recommends placing your event code in the “Footer Code” section. That way it wouldn’t affect the API and other elements.
For us, we never ran into any problem with placing the code in the “Header Code” section, though.
Save the updates by clicking the “Save” button.
Again, to make sure everything is working fine, go back to your Facebook Events Manager and check if the Standard Event is firing when you access the particular page.
Correct Custom Conversion Tracking With Clickfunnels
Creating Custom Conversions in your Facebook Ads account has many benefits. Most of them are covered in my guide to Facebook Conversion Tracking.
When it comes to using Custom Conversions with Clickfunnels though, entrepreneurs often run into problems. Their conversions just don’t receive any actions, making the business owner believe he doesn’t have any traffic.
Most of the time it’s not traffic that’s the issue. It’s a simple misunderstanding of the URL or the path you want to track.
Look, in Clickfunnels you have basically three URLs per funnel: your funnel URL, the funnel step URL, and the page URL.
Most prominently placed is the funnel step URL. And that’s the one most people use to set up their Custom Conversions.
The problem is: this URL is not the final URL users land on. Users, when they visit your funnel, land on the page URL which you can find by clicking on the little gearwheel underneath the page preview.
Why does Clickfunnels make it so confusing? That’s mainly for split testing purposes. If you are split testing two different versions of your funnel steps you will use the funnel step URL to randomize on which page users land.
However, to track a Custom Conversion for a funnel page, you’ll have to use the page URL.
Log in to your Clickfunnels account. In the top menu bar, click on “Click Funnels” and “Funnels”.
Select the funnel you want to track.
Select the funnel step you want to create the Custom Conversion for and click on the gear icon.​
Copy the path of your funnel step to your clipboard.
Go to your Facebook Events Manager. In the left sidebar select “Custom Conversions”.
Click “Create Custom Conversion”.
Paste the funnel path in the “URL” field. Make sure that “All Website Traffic” and URL “Contains” is selected.
Name your Custom Conversion.
Pick the category of your Custom Conversion. You can choose from Facebook’s pre-defined Standard Events. In our case, we select “View Content”.
If your conversion has a specific, non-changing value, adjust it in the “Value” field.
Save the Custom Conversion by clicking the “Create” button.
And that’s it! Your Clickfunnels funnel is now optimized for successful Facebook Ads and for collecting high-quality user data.
And for entrepreneurs and business owners like you, that’s gold!